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Treks in Sikkim


Trekking in Sikkim is a fabulous experience as it leads from lush tropical forests to the lap of the Himalayas. The trek offers verdant forests, yak-herders summer settlement on high meadows, rhododendron-covered hillsides, high passes, jagged peaks, and a magnificent mountain view. Feel the weariness of the day's trek slip away as you fall asleep under the Sikkimese night sky.

Make a little detour en-rout chancing a butterfly, or you may chance upon shy Musk Deer on one of your treks, or wave out to the exotic Red Panda perched among the treetops.

One of the unique features of the Sikkim's Himalayas is the splendour of numerous mountain Lakes, flowers in riot of colours beyond 10000 ft- a feast to the eye of the trekker. Tranquility all the way!

Special care is taken when you trek with us. Our cooks are trained in Modern cooking hygiene. We provide top-of -the-line equipments. The people who will accompany you on the trek are trained to handle individual requirements as well as unexpected. When you trek with us you are in good hands as it is our land and we know it best.

What is trekking?
Trekking generally involve walking along the well defined trails of approximately 6 to 7 hours a day or so. There will rarely be flat trails, as most of the trails go upward or downwards. Trekking does not involve any technical climbing and as such be enjoyed by any fit individuals, i.e., especially if they prepare themselves physically before the trip. Porters carry all the equipments, foodstuffs and personal baggages (Except your cameras, water bottle and parcel). They are also helped by pack ponies and yaks occasionally. English speaking Sherpa guides keep an eye on the fast and slow walkers and with the individual they can travel or trek as one pleases.

Marcopolo is one of the reputed trekking agent who promotes responsible eco friendly trekking with professional guides and cook. All our trips are professionally organized and guided by experienced group leaders, most essential at higher altitudes with our own equipments and gears which guarantees extra comfort and safety at high altitude.

Who goes trekking?
Everyone who is fit enough to but generally those with an interest in the out doors and camping. Travel in remote areas can be uncertain, but with those with personal flexibility, a start for adventure and sense of humour will enjoy an experience never to leave them in memory.



Hat sun, Hat cold


Head torch/torch, spare batteries/bulbs, light stick


Neckerchief, sunglasses, sun block lip balm.


Thermal vest




Down jacket


Gortex jacket/trousers


Windproof smock






A complete set of clothes to keep for changing into during evening (keep dry)


Base camp shoes/trainers


Trek Trousers / saltpeter








Boots / gaiters, spare laces, waterproof cream




Sleeping bag / liner


Sleep mat




Camel pack! drinks system


Leki walking pole


Games (cards - pigs)


Waterproof liner (rucksack)


Water proof cover (rucksack)


Expend Rucksack


Day sac






Sewing kit



Insect repellent (Repel 100 or Jungle Formula)


Antiseptic cream (Bruladine)


Sun cream and lip salve


Throat lozenges


Deep Heat or Tiger Balm


Anti diarrhoearal (Diacalm or Immodium)


Anti protozoan (Flagyl or Tineba - for treating giardiasis)


Antibiotics (choose broad-spectrum antibiotics for treating a variety of infections - carry a course of each)


Mild analgesics (Aspirin/Paracetamol for headaches, etc - NOT Codein-based painkillers, as these suppress the breathing function and are not advisable at altitude)


Strong analgesics (Co-Proxamol/Ponstan/Temgesic - use with care)


Anti-inflammatories (Nurofen or diclofenac sodium - stomach irritant)


Eye drops (Optrex or Murine)


Plasters and moleskin/blister kit (Com pied is recommended)


Bandages and safety pins


Re-hydrant salts (ORS - carry several sachets)


Dextrose/ glucose tablets


Multi-vitamin tablets


Iodine-based water purification tablets or a small bottle of tincture of iodine with a dropper (chlorine-based water purifiers are not suitable)


Providence iodine (for cleaning wounds)


Zinc oxide tape


Crepe bandages and safety pins


Butterfly (paper) sutures or Steri-Strips


Cotton wool/swabs


Mellon dressings


Clinical thermometer






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  (C) Marcopolo World Travels, Tibet Road, Gangtok, India. All rights reserved.
Phone : 91-3592-204116/ 229407/ 221723,  Fax : 91 - 3592 - 205078
Email :
info@worldmarcopolo.com, sikkiminfo@yahoo.com